Welcome to Techtonique's R package source repository.
Think of it as CRAN or R-universe but for Techtonique's packages (#wildlife).
Detailed description, documentation and articles about the packages are available at
To install R packages from Techtonique's R package repository, use one of these methods:
only once (preferred)
options(repos = c(
techtonique = "https://r-packages.techtonique.net",
CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org"
After setting these options, you can install packages as:
install.packages("package_name", repos = "https://r-packages.techtonique.net")
# If Method 1 fails, you can install from source:
install.packages("package_name", repos = "https://r-packages.techtonique.net", type = "source")
Note about Method 2 (source installation):
xcode-select --install
)If you want to install the development version of a package, you can clone the repository and install it from the local directory: